Greens Release New Cost Of Living Policy Simply Titled “Free Clothes From Scotties”

greens MPs outside Scotties Boutique making announcement



Off the back of Golriz Ghahraman’s bold statement that people should not in fact have to pay for things, the Greens leadership have made a fresh new policy announcement. 

Co-leaders James Shaw and Marama Davidson say that the Greens will address the cost of living crisis by giving away free designer clothing from Scotties Boutique in Auckland. 

“The Greens are calling on the government to deliver every New Zealander a new wardrobe, made up exclusively of high quality garments from Scotties,” said Shaw.

Marama Davidson tagged in on the announcement, saying “We’ve selected Scotties because of their high quality clothes, and the fact that you can easily take them without paying.

“The ‘Free Clothes From Scotties’ initiative will be a very cost-effective strategy going forward.”

‘Scottie’, who didn’t even want to go public with Golriz Ghahraman’s alleged criminal behaviour, was apprehensive about the announcement. “Well if this goes into law then I don’t know how we’re going to stay in business for more than an hour, but if the Greens say it’s a good idea then I’m on board.”

More to come. 

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