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Golriz Ghahraman in messy bedroom in Auckland

FRONTING THE MEDIA: Golriz Frantically Puts Together Outfit That Wasn’t Totally Stolen


Accused shoplifter Golriz Ghahraman, a 42 year old NZ Greens MP of some note, is back in the country and just about ready to front the media.

However a spanner seems to have been thrown in the works, as she is now realising that 90% of the clothes in her wardrobe are actually stolen goods.

Not wanting to cause more trouble for herself, the dogmatic social justice lover is now trying to find something to wear for her media appearance that wasn’t looted from a high end shop in Ponsonby.

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greens MPs outside Scotties Boutique making announcement

Greens Release New Cost Of Living Policy Simply Titled “Free Clothes From Scotties”


Off the back of Golriz Ghahraman’s bold statement that people should not in fact have to pay for things, the Greens leadership have made a fresh new policy announcement. 

Co-leaders James Shaw and Marama Davidson say that the Greens will address the cost of living crisis by giving away free designer clothing from Scotties Boutique in Auckland. 

“The Greens are calling on the government to deliver every New Zealander a new wardrobe, made up exclusively of high quality garments from Scotties,” said Shaw.

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golriz ghaharaman with shoplifting allegation headlines

MP Annoyed To Find Out She Still Has To Pay For Things


Golriz Ghahraman, a prominent Green Party MP and human rights lawyer, has found herself entangled in a scandal that has left her both annoyed and baffled. 

Ghahraman, who like most MP’s doesn’t have to pay for a single thing while raking in a $170,000 a year salary, found out the hard way today.

The incident allegedly unfolded during the festive season at Scottie’s Boutique, an exclusive haven for the fashion-forward elite in Auckland, where it is alleged Ghahraman failed to pay for an item of clothing there.

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