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Green MPs including Golriz Gahrahman

GREENS LEADERSHIP RACE: Golriz Tipped To Steal Top Spot


Beloved former Green MP Golriz Gahrahman may not be done with politics just yet. 

With the white cis man James Shaw stepping down from his party co-leader position, Golriz now has the chance to swoop in and steal the top job.

Insiders at the NZ Green Party have said Ms. Gahrahman is “always unpredictable” and “known to take things that don’t belong to her”.

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Golriz in stationery cupboard with missing green pens

Golriz Resigns, All Those Missing Pens Return


The resignation of Greens MP, Golriz Ghahraman, has seen more than 1,000 branded pens returned to Green Party headquarters today, solving a mystery that had been hanging over the party for months.

Back in July 2023, former policy intern, Hannah Brent, had been tasked with ordering all the logo-clad clobber the Greens planned on giving away in the lead-up to the parliamentary election. Among the mass-produced merch were 1,000 biodegradable ballpoint pens, made with paper and recycled plastic, filled with eco-friendly ink, and shipped all the way from India.

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Golriz Ghahraman in messy bedroom in Auckland

FRONTING THE MEDIA: Golriz Frantically Puts Together Outfit That Wasn’t Totally Stolen


Accused shoplifter Golriz Ghahraman, a 42 year old NZ Greens MP of some note, is back in the country and just about ready to front the media.

However a spanner seems to have been thrown in the works, as she is now realising that 90% of the clothes in her wardrobe are actually stolen goods.

Not wanting to cause more trouble for herself, the dogmatic social justice lover is now trying to find something to wear for her media appearance that wasn’t looted from a high end shop in Ponsonby.

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