Five Years On And Man Still Can’t Bring Himself To Throw Out Box iPhone Came In

man looking adoringly at old iphone box



Wellington local Doug Canderson, 31, has an eye for quality that is fast becoming a personal burden. 

Although the Aro Valley barista would like to stay up to date with the latest tech trends, he currently owns the iPhone 11, which he purchased from Apple in 2019. Due partly to his financial situation, Canderson has chosen not to have “Apple fan” be part of his personality. 

However this is in stark contrast to a discovery made earlier this week, during a cleanout of the desk of his bedroom, where he found the pristine Apple packaging that his five year old phone came in. 

“The box still just seems so perfect. I’d feel like I was committing a crime if I threw it in the rubbish, or even the recycling,” he said. 

“What kind of material is it? Is it cardboard that can go straight in the recycling bin? Feels like it must be some kind of super durable composite.”

Doug’s flatmate Tara was also part of the flat spring cleaning day. 

“That box has been sitting in his drawer for five years. Has he ever once referred to it? For any reason at all?” she asked semi-rhetorically. 

“I know Apple does a really nice box, but what purpose is it serving in the drawer? If he likes it that much, why doesn’t it have its own display cabinet?”

In the end, Mr Canderson could not overcome his fetish for aesthetically pleasing design. The smooth white box survived another year of spring clearning, and was returned to the back of the desk drawer, never to be seen again. 

More to come. 

This story was brought to you by the good bastards at Fat Bastard Pies. Order some of their hefty pies online and have them delivered fresh overnight, anywhere in NZ.