Christmas Anger Predicted If New Home Owners Do Not Receive Mitre 10 Vouchers

couple with santa hats and mitre 10 voucher



Steve and Amber Jacobs bought their house just over a year ago now, but are still in dire need of DIY resources. 

The couple received vouchers for Mitre 10 and Bunnings last Christmas and found them extensively useful for buying house and garden tools – things that you would never need while flatting. 

“Got vouchers from both our parents and Amber’s brother and they were just what we needed,” said Steve, 32, a customer service team leader. 

“We’ve actually got a running list of things we need from Mitre 10, so in a way we’re kinda counting on these vouchers.” 

It has now got to the point where if they were to somehow not receive vouchers for home improvement, there would likely be a level of anger not usually associated with Christmas time. 

“I don’t want to sound ungrateful or entitled,” began Amber, “but if we don’t get a decent amount of vouchers for Mitre 10 or Bunnings I’m going to be a bit pissed off.”

“We have dropped many, many hints. As in, ‘just get us Mitre 10 vouchers’,” she said, ruling out any ambiguity at all. 

“Some people are funny about giving vouchers as gifts. Like they don’t think they’re good gifts. They need to get this out of their minds right now, as it is a baseless lie. Fake news.”

For the sake of Steve and Ambers’ close family members, we can only hope that they have seen the light, sucked it up and bought them the damn vouchers. 

More to come. 

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