Fed Up Office Worker Once Again Googles “How To Make Money Online”

man in office at computer



Hunter Donaldson, 25, found himself in an all too familiar situation at work today, as he once again realised the harsh reality of his admin job at the Ministry of Education. 

The Wellingtonian used one of his many quiet periods today to Google the term “How to make money online”, not something his work laptop was intended for.

“About every six months I just find myself typing this exact search term without thinking about it. By the time I’ve realised I’m doing it, I’ll already be reading a blog post titled ‘10 profitable niches for 2024’” he explained. 

Donaldson has long fantasised about achieving financial freedom through some kind of online freelancing situation. His dream is to earn ‘passive income’, a term he believes to mean ‘free money without doing anything’.

“Seems to be a pattern for me, however I’ve never actually attempted to do any of the things described in these blogs. It’s still satisfying to read about how the other half live though, haha imagine having money roll into your bank account while you sleep!”

The programme coordinator from Porirua says despite years of inaction, he is getting closer to cracking the code. 

“It’s all about identifying a problem lots of people have, coming up with a solution, and packaging that all up in a valuable digital product that can be sold many, many times,” he recited vaguely. 

“So once I’ve figured all that out I’ll be sorted!”

Mr Donaldson’s daydream came to an abrupt end as he spotted his team leader sniffing around his pod, forcing him to return to an open tab of the Ministry of Education’s intranet site. 

More to come. 

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