LinkedIn Bloke’s New “Open To Work” Banner Definitely Doesn’t Stink Of Desperation

open to work banner on linkedin profile pic



IT architect and prolific LinkedIn bloke, Sergio Mendez is pleased he took the plunge and slapped a big green “Open to work” banner on his profile pic. 

The 30 year old says it doesn’t pay to be coy when it comes to attracting potential new job opportunities. 

“It’s a simple way for me to indicate to potential new employers that I am very, very available to discuss new employment pathways,” he said. 

“I’m very keen and very available for a coffee catch up, or even an interview. So if you’re an employer in Wellington who’s looking for a new systems architect, please look me up and connect on LinkedIn.


Mendez says there’s nothing wrong with broadcasting to the world that you’re totally open to work, and if anything it shows openness and transparency. 

“Hey I’ve got lots of time to talk to people about work opportunities and I’m super flexible because no one’s been trying to get hold of me yet. So I’m letting people know I’m super available and super flexible, which is a great thing right?


When asked whether he thinks his approach may lead to people thinking that he is in low demand because he’s a low value employee, Mr Mendez wholeheartedly rejected the assertion.

“My ‘Open To Work’ banner definitely doesn’t stink of desperation! I’m not desperate, far from it. But if any employers out there are looking for a new IT professional, let me know! 

“Sooner rather than later! Please.” 

More to come. 

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