MAXIMUM CRINGE: New Zealand Distancing Itself From TVNZ Breakfast After Trump Doll Video Resurfaces

tvnz presenter shooting at trump doll with extra image of Trump after surviving assassination attempt.



Following the recent assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump, a 2023 video from TVNZ Breakfast has resurfaced, embarrassing the small country of five million. 

The video, which has aged like a 2 litre bottle of Anchor blue top, shows TVNZ presenters taking turns using a salt gun to shoot at a Donald Trump toy, making kiwis wince and look away awkwardly around the country.  

“Ooh yeah nah that’s pretty f***ed ay,” said 25 year old Brad from Porirua after being shown the clip. 

Josie, 30, from the North Shore, had a similar sentiment. “Really not okay is it? It’s okay to not like the guy, but actually have a look at yourselves.”

Kayla from Wellington was more emphatic in her judgement of the breakfast show. “Oh wow, actually? That is so f***in bad, Breakfast, you’re cancelled. Sorry, bye bye! No one watches you anyway, bye bye!”

TVNZ has always stood against promoting violence against politicians, and has often made the point that words have consequences, so it’s a mystery what was happening on this particular morning. 

The state-owned broadcaster has not responded to calls for an apology or an acknowledgement of how bad this looks for us as a country, but this could be because there’s not too many people working there anymore. 

More to come. 

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