REMINDER: The United States President Until January Is Actually Still Joe Biden

Joe Biden giving speech



In a shock announcement yesterday, the International Political Institute of Palmerston North (IPIPN), issued a reminder to the world that Joe Biden, the United States President who has not been seen for several weeks, is in fact still the President. 

Not only that, Joel Jacobsen, a spokesman for IPIPN, said that Biden will remain the President until the 20th of January, when whoever wins the election is inaugurated. 

“Not a lot of people realise that Joe is in fact still in charge, competently steering the American ship as the world descends into chaos,” he told reporters. 

“Yes, although the Democratic Party judged that Biden was not mentally fit enough to serve another four years in office, they did somehow believe that he was doing a fine job right now, and will be fine right up until January.”

Biden did make a cameo appearance at the Democratic National Convention, where he definitely nailed all the lines delivered to him on his teleprompter, but has been otherwise invisible since the announcement of Kamala Harris as the Democrats presidential nominee. 

Ms. Harris has apparently been bringing a lot of “joy and excitement” to Democrats, making various promises of what she would do if she was elected to office, forgetting of course that she is already in office. 

Jacobsen from the IPIPN emphasised that war is currently happening in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and possibly Taiwan shortly, and it would be nice to see the US President doing something. 

“Just quite weird isn’t it? War is happening everywhere, but the President of the United States is nowhere to be seen,” he laughed. 

More to come. 

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