TVNZ Annoyed That People Don’t Want To Advertise On Channels Nobody Watches

sales people confused with tvnz headline



In light of TVNZ’s loss of $16.7m in the last six months, members of the ad sales team have placed the blame squarely on advertisers. 

“Why do advertisers all of a sudden not want to advertise on TV anymore? I mean, sure, there are other ways people can get their entertainment, but free TV is still the best thing available,” said one oblivious executive. 

“Like, it’s TV! Quickest way to get in front of a lot of eyeballs.”

Another un-named exec was equally incredulous. “These so-called ‘profit-driven businesses’ don’t know what they’re doing!” he said, completely unaware of the modern concept of targeted behaviour-based online advertising. 

“Have they seen our ratings? Still the biggest audience capture out there,” said the man who has only been getting advertising interest from insurance companies and retirement villages recently. 

The salesman, who was now physically exhausted from a full week of nervous cold-calling, appeared to be breaking mentally. 

“I mean, yeah, maybe not that many people want to watch TV anymore, but if you’re a serious company with a product to sell, you can’t just not advertise on TV, right?


More to come. 

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