Unlucky Public Servant Has Voluntary Redundancy Application Turned Down

man with lanyard looking dejected at laptop



Warren Cartwright, an actively disengaged employee at the Ministry for the Environment, suffered a major setback today. 

The 29 year old has often dreamed of being fired from his job, which he has held for three years, and although he put his hand up for being made redundant, just missed out on his dream today. 

“Got the rejection letter in my emails this morning. Absolutely gutted,” said Cartwright, still reeling from the decision. 

“I thought this was my chance to make a clean break and get a little bit of a payout, but turns out it just wasn’t meant to be. 

“They claim that the data analysis work I do is ‘too important for my role to be disestablished’, which is something I wholeheartedly disagree with” he said, knowing for a fact that the reports he produces are rarely if ever acted on. 

Cartwright was not willing to divulge details about the reports he was producing, saying he was already in a bad mood and didn’t want to make it worse. 

“Oh look there’s not really any point going into it, I’ve had a shit of a day. Basically I just found out that if I want to leave this place then I’ll have to quit,” said the very active Seek user.  

“It’s just annoying right? Lots of people who wanted to stay are being told they’ve gotta go, and here I am, annoyed that I haven’t been sacked!”

More to come. 

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