Card Stacking Champion Brought In By National Party To Help Build Stability

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Politics HOUSE OF CARDS! National are tonight making serious moves to rebuild their once stable, reliable, boring party. Leader Christopher Luxon has called in American card stacking champion Bryan Berg to help build stability for his troubled party, which has been falling over recently after a spate of blunders by sitting MPs. […]
“Told You Not To Go Into Politics You Bloody Idiot” Says Uffindell’s Old Man

GORDON LIGHTFOOT | Politics “COULDN’T HELP YOURSELF, COULD YA!” As if National MP Sam Uffindell didn’t have enough to deal with at the moment, with more allegations coming to light about a pattern of violent behaviour, the embattled member for Tauranga has just received an earful from his old man. “I told you, didn’t I?! […]