MAKE THAT FOUR DAYS OF MOURNING: Employers Experience Flood Of Friday Annual Leave Requests

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | National MAXIMISING THE LONG WEEKEND Wellington customer services team leader Nicole Bennett had quite the increase in annual leave requests earlier this afternoon. One of Bennett’s customer advisors Alice Wright, 22, said she immediately put in her request as soon as Cabinet hit the green light on the one-off holiday to mourn […]
Team Lead Kicks Off Māori Language Week By Letting Rip A Hearty ‘Morayna’

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Culture DUSTING OFF THE OLD PEPEHA John Wicken, 54, has taken a big step in proving to his team at work that he’s finally embracing the Māori language. The team leader at the Ministry for Primary Industries was making an extra effort after finding out earlier this morning that it was Te […]