POLAR BLAST: South Islander Still Rocking The Stubbies And Jandals
ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Culture BUSINESS AS USUAL Despite an unexpected blast of snow today, Ben Donovan wasn’t going to change his well established fashion sense. The 24 year-old Otago University student was still in his usual day-to-day attire of stubbies and jandals, despite Dunedin experiencing the most snowfall nationwide. Our reporters caught up with Donovan […]
CALLING A SPADE A SPADE: Local Accounting Firm Re-labels “Mental Health” Days As “CBF” Days
GORDON LIGHTFOOT | Local IT IS WHAT IT IS Whakataki accounting firm, Get It Sorted, have taken a step towards providing real clarity and transparency to its staff when it comes to taking leave. Head of HR at the firm, Sarah Golding has said that while the “mental health day” is important for managing stress, […]