Two Blokes Steaming Into A Supermarket At 4:30pm A Friday Definitely Not Doing A Weekly Shop

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Culture Caleb Smith and Mitch Barker could barely control themselves as they waited for Pak N Save’s sliding doors to open this afternoon. The 26-year-olds, who both work in Christchurch’s CBD, had absolutely no need for a shopping trolley or basket as they eagerly navigated the supermarket with only one thing on […]
GP Receptionist Updating Waiting Room Reading Material Welcomes The June 2019 Issue Of Woman’s Weekly

KASSIE MACKAY| National HOT OFF THE PRESS Medical receptionists across the country are struggling to contain their excitement this evening, as they prepare to release the long-awaited June 2019 issue of New Zealand Woman’s Weekly. The monthly mag is rumoured to contain exclusive photos of the newest royal, Prince Archie, the regular challenging cryptic crosswords, […]