Chippy Hipkins Jealous That He Can’t Just Ditch Labour And Join The Maori Party

GORDON LIGHTFOOT | Politics NOT FAIR! Prime Minister Chris “Chippy” Hipkins was annoyed today when he found out that another one of his MPs, Meka Whaitiri, had decided to ditch Labour and join Te Pati Maori. However it wasn’t the fact that the party had lost yet another member that annoyed him. He was more […]
AUSSIE VAPE BAN: Kiwi Vape Shop Owner Crossing The Ditch To Start A Life Of Crime

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | National OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Wellington vape shop owner Bryce Renshaw plans to cash in big this year after it was announced the Australian government plans to ban recreational vaping altogether. Renshaw, who has had no trouble selling vape pens from his store on Cuba Street, plans to cross the ditch to where his […]