Yo-Pro Goes Against Linkedin Commenting Etiquette And Says Something He Really Thinks

professional man in lounge with laptop open

ALEX HICKEY | Culture 


A bold mid-level marketing executive has pushed back against the unwritten rules of LinkedIn by leaving a comment that’s not overwhelmingly positive.

Connor Brandt, an insurance marketer, is usually an upbeat guy, but was tipped over the edge when he saw a former colleague post about winning an up-and-comer award. 

He recalled his ex-team mate being a bit of a slacker and struggled with him socially, and was surprised anyone thought he was worthy of any recognition. And so he left a thinly veiled comment that made his true feelings known.

“Wow, you’ve come a long way mate, congrats!” he wrote, dripping with passive aggression. 

While not expressly negative, the comment stood out from the others, many of which simply said “Congratulations!”

“I couldn’t believe anyone would give that muppet an award,” Connor said defensively. “I figured this was about as pointed as I could be on LinkedIn, and I wanted him to know I hadn’t forgotten how lazy he was.”

Any sense he was being subtle was quickly shattered when he started receiving messages from his own network, who were notified of his comment. 

People asked if he was ok, and if he realised his boldness was on display to an audience conditioned to only positive vibes.

“I didn’t quite anticipate the stir being honest would create. Everyone knows what that guy is like, but I guess LinkedIn isn’t the place to call someone out. 

“Lesson learned.”

More to come. 

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