Football Ferns Actually Just Stoked Another Team’s Spying On Them

football ferns celebrating headline about them being spied on



The New Zealand women’s football team have found themselves in an unexpected spotlight at the Paris Olympics, after Canada were caught flying a drone over their training session.

The drone, operated by a member of the Canadian support staff, was swiftly brought to the attention of local authorities, who detained the operator.

But instead of feeling victimised, the Kiwis are reportedly “stoked” to have been the subject of a high-stakes international espionage operation.

“We couldn’t believe it at first,” said team captain Ali Riley.

 “I mean, we’re used to being the underdogs, but to think that a team like Canada, who won gold at the Tokyo Games, would go to such lengths to spy on us? It’s actually kind of flattering.”

“If Canada’s that worried about us, maybe we have a shot after all!”

The Football Ferns are currently ranked 28th and not actually expected to make it out of pool play at the Olympics.

More to come. 

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