Golriz Surprised By Criminal Conviction After Being Caught Multiple Times On Video Committing Large Scale Theft

Golriz thinking about her crimes



Former Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman has left Auckland District Court in a confused state this afternoon.

The 43-year-old, who had previously admitted to four counts of shoplifting, was evidently taken aback by the concept that her actions would have actual legal consequences after she admitted to stealing more than $8000 worth of clothing from stores on multiple occasions.

Judge June Jelas nearly fell out of her seat after Ghahraman legally applied to be discharged without any conviction, despite her definitely committing the crimes in question and admitting she was the one doing the specific crimes that they were all in court for.  

“Being a politician doesn’t grant you immunity from theft,” Judge Jelas bellowed at Ms Ghahraman, who appeared confused at how the legal system actually works.

“It’s truly baffling to me that someone with a law degree doesn’t understand that committing a crime means you get punished. Do you think judges just ignore theft if the thief has a nice resume? The law doesn’t work that way, Ms. Ghahraman.”

Golriz refused to speak to the Whakataki Times but her supporters told our reporters that Ms Ghahraman is slowly understanding that multiple instances of theft are taken seriously in the New Zealand Court of law. 

More to come. 

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