Local Man Wishes He Had Arms Like Lisa Carrington

Man in foreground looking upward in wonderment, with lisa carrington canoeing in the background



34-year-old Mike Flanders has always had an admiration for Olympic canoeist Lisa Carrington’s muscular arms.

After seeing her burst onto the scene at the 2012 Olympics in London, Flanders has almost always been self-conscious about his own biceps and triceps in comparison to the five-time gold medalist.

“Every time I see her in the news, I can’t help but think, ‘Why couldn’t I have arms like that?’” Mike lamented while struggling to carry his grocery bags from the car. Despite his best efforts, including a gym membership, protein shakes, and a strict regimen of push-ups and bicep curls, Mike’s arms remain stubbornly ordinary.

“If I had guns like hers I’d be the guy in the house who could get the lid off the jar and be the one that others ask for help.”

“She’s one of our best chances for Olympic gold in Paris, but every time she races all I can think about is my own physical inadequacy.

“What do I need to do? Go and buy a canoe or something?”

More to come. 

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