‘Might As Well Turn Back’ – Grade Cricketer Again Dismissed Before Girlfriend Arrives To Watch

cricket batsman walking back after being bowled out and girlfriend receiving text about it



Third-division cricketer Mitchell Sinclair, 31, found himself in an all-too-familiar situation on Saturday at Hagley Oval.

The 10 year veteran of grade cricket has once again had to tell his girlfriend to not actually bother coming to the game he wanted her to watch after talking about it all week. 

His girlfriend, Clara, who had generously set aside her free afternoon to watch him play, was only halfway to the ground when her phone buzzed with the “Might as well turn back.” message.

Sinclair’s side had been sent into bat, but was clean bowled on the third ball of the innings, meaning at the time of 12:03pm, he was back trudging off the field and heading back into the shade with his teammates.

“I told her this week would be different. I was feeling good, the conditions were perfect…and then, boom, middle stump gone,” he recounted, a sentence which is sounding eerily familiar to previous weeks.

When our reporters asked if Clara would come to next week’s game, Clara was hesitant. “I mean, I love him, but it’s hard to justify a 30-minute drive when I know there’s a strong chance I’ll just be watching him sulk on the sidelines with his teammates, making excuses about why he got out. I probably should just bring a book.”

More to come. 

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