Office HR Complaint Filed After Millennial Vindictively Sides With Wayne Barnes

pink haired woman sitting in HR office thinking about a complaint against her and the all blacks and wayne barnes.



Ruby Galbraith, a self-proclaimed ‘woke’ millennial from Wellington, has the prestigious title as the office’s resident contrarian. 

The pink-haired 29 year-old is notorious for championing unpopular causes and has decided to take it to a whole new level this morning.

Ruby, smug as ever, declared in the office lunchroom that she thought referee Wayne Barnes had an excellent game during the controversial All Blacks loss to the Springboks in the Rugby World Cup final on Sunday morning.

“I thought he was fine actually. Can’t blame the refs for a team’s loss can we?” Galbraith said smugly in front of her co-workers, fully glossing over the fact that numerous wrong interpretations by Barnes and the TMO had a direct impact on the All Blacks going down 11-12 to South Africa.

Ruby’s seemingly blasphemous support for Barnes sent shockwaves through the office, which led to a complaint being filed with HR.

Karen Smith from Human Resources, picked up the complaint and had a stern talk with Galbraith in her office.

“What’s the problem, Karen? I’m just expressing my opinion. Freedom of speech, right?” Galbraith quipped.

Karen sighed. “Yes, Ruby, freedom of speech is important, but you’re intentionally making these outlandish claims to try and offend people in the office. And I think you know exactly what you’re doing.”

Ruby shrugged the comments away dismissively. “Well, I stand by my belief that Wayne Barnes did a good job. I mean, people should be more open to differing viewpoints. It’s a classic case of generationally-triggered rugby angst caused by outdated patriarchal misogyny..”

More to come. 

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