After a winter spent under a cloud of seasonal depression, Kristen Edwards is ready to make this summer her best yet. Thankfully, she’s got a brand new set of Jibbitz to put a spring in her step, and they’ll be on show at Foxton Beach this holiday season.
“I’ve spent the last three weeks curating a collection of Jibbitz that’ll really make me and my Crocs shine,” Edwards gushed.
When asked to explain the rationale behind her rubbery footwear embellishments, Edwards explained, “I’ve gone with a seaside theme on one foot, while the other is rainbows and unicorns. Overall, my Crocs are a creative response to the Foxton Beach environs as well as a reflection of my own perennial commitment to fun and whimsy.”
Edwards credits this whimsy, and limitless possibilities, of the Jibbitz medium for hauling her out of the blues that plagued her for the middle part of this year.
“There is no artistic outlet that allowed me to fully resolve my creative vision while also giving me the inspiration and energy to get out of bed every day. Truly, curating my Jibbitz collection and assembling them on my Crocs has been a creative and personal revelation.”
But why Foxton Beach for the debt of this highly curated collection of Croccy accessories?
“It’s a place that I think is like me afew weeks back: a little sad, a little neglected. But I hope that my Jibbitz launch this summer will do as much to enliven this coastal Horowhenua town as they did to enliven me.”
More to come.
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