Wellington Eco-Warrior Obsessed With Emissions Happily Blows Nicotine Vape Clouds Into Atmosphere

woman vaping by bucket fountain on cuba street



Amelia Hipkins, a self proclaimed eco-warrior, has always preached the importance of sustainable living to anyone she meets.

However for the 26 year-old Massey University design student, there is one habit she can’t kick – and that’s vaping. 

With every puff Hipkins takes, she unknowingly releases nicotine, heavy metals and various other particles into the environment she insists on bullying others into protecting.

Miss Hipkins was on Cuba Street when she outlined her beliefs on the subject, in an attempt  to smooth over her addiction. “Well this one is a biodegradable e-cigarette, it has organic and sustainably sourced materials,” lied Hipkins, who continued to puff hazardous waste into the air.

Most vapes use plastic pods to hold the e-juice, however these pods cannot be replaced as they contain nicotine, along with other toxic chemicals. 

“But you see the vape smoke is actually just an eco-friendly alternative to toxic industrial emissions. I’m actually doing the planet a favour by inhaling it into my own lungs!”

Amid mounting scepticism from our reporters, the interview was thankfully cut short as Miss Hipkins bolted into Cosmic Corner to spend more of her money on her habit. 

More to come. 

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