Wellingtonian Growing Hair Out In Anticipation Of Windswept Winter Look

man standing on courtenay place with windswept hair

ALEX HICKEY | Culture 


A KPMG associate is sporting a new look in recent weeks as he gears up for a big winter complaining about the weather.

Neal Jansson, 31, has skipped his last three scheduled haircuts in order to give him more opportunity to talk about those windy days.

“I noticed that girls with long hair always get to make weather gags on windy days because their hair gets messed up way more,” he says.

“I love weather chat, and when you first arrive into the office it’s such a good chance to delve into what the weather’s like out there. Having longer hair just really helps to get straight into it.”

Jansson typically rocks a short back and sides, and reckons it’s comfortably the longest his hair has ever been. 

“I had to go and buy a comb the other day – haven’t had one of those since I was a kid.

“I can’t wait for the wind to really pick up so we can talk about how the winters after La Niña summers are usually really windy. So it’s a great time to grow the hair out because not many people really know about it and it’s super interesting.”

“Honestly, his weather commentary is so f***ing boring,” said Jansson’s girlfriend, Eva Carroll. 

“It was bad before, and now he thinks he’s even more of an expert because his hair’s a bit longer. It’s gonna be a long winter.”

More to come. 

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