HEALTH AND SAFETY NIGHTMARE: Public Servant Working From Home Running A Laptop-Couch Workstation
GORDON LIGHTFOOT | National Wellington-based communications advisor Ben Jamieson, 33, has shocked and appalled his health and safety rep at the Ministry of Education, after a zoom call revealed his brazenly non-compliant work-from-home workstation. Jamieson’s utter disregard for health and safety was exposed yesterday morning, when HR advisor Gemma Thompson noticed his laptop-couch arrangement during […]
Woman’s LinkedIn Profile Celebrates 10 Year Work Anniversary At Job She Left Nine Years Ago
ROSEMARY ABBOTT | National Amelia Hawkins, 32, was the toast of her local LinkedIn community today after celebrating 10 years as a part-time fashion shop assistant at Hawke’s Bay’s “Amazing Diva”. This was despite her moving away from the region in 2013. “Congrats on your work anniversary!” said one comment from Brodie Thompson. “Congrats on […]