Freedom Enthusiast Reckons Maybe Vaccine Mandates Aren’t So Bad Compared To Military Conscription

GORDON LIGHTFOOT | National With World War 3 just around the corner, local anti-vaxxer and parliament festival-goer Jayden Wild has had a few of his personal beliefs put into perspective. “Yeah bit of an eye-opener ay, this Ukraine carry-on. People are talking as if it could be another world war. I’m pretty sure that in […]
BIRTHDAY DISASTER! Disappointed Rangi Ruru Girls Student Receives New BMW Instead of Keys To First Home

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Culture WORST 16TH BIRTHDAY EVER! Tayla Davies,16, was sobbing uncontrollaby at her parents’ Merivale house in Christchurch this morning, after receiving a brand new BMW 5 Series instead of keys to her first home as a 16th birthday present. “Daaaaadddd!! What the hell is this?!” screamed the distraught birthday girl from her […]