TK Misunderstands Government Healthcare Job Push – Turns Up To Hutt Hospital For A Shift

GORDON LIGHTFOOT | National WHERE DO YOU NEED ME? After the government weirdly announced that the TV programme Shortland Street will be part of a push to get more people working in healthcare, doctor TK Samuels has inadvertently ended up standing at Hutt Hospital reception in a confused state. “I was in Wellington and it […]
Otago Uni Student Gears Up For Fourth Night On Sheetless Mattress After Failed Weekend Washing Attempt

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | National THEY’LL DRY SOON! Cam McIntyre, 20, had the best of intentions over the weekend. The second-year sport and exercise science student at the University of Otago, decided he would wash his bed sheets on Saturday morning, something to make him feel a bit better about life after deleting the best part […]