Woman Devastated To Discover She Can Comfortably Walk Under Doorways At Hobbiton

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Culture COULD BE THE NEXT FRODO! Olivia Martin, 24, likes to think she’s average height despite being barely five foot tall. But the false belief was confirmed after a trip to the Hobbiton movie set in Matamata with her boyfriend Sam Duncan. As the couple of three years from Levin explored the […]
Bloke Who Started Drinking At Four Reckons He’s Staying Up For The All Blacks

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Sport WON’T MAKE IT PAST THE HAKA! Kieran Larson foolishly thinks he’s in it for the long haul this evening. Cracking open his first Steinlager Pure at his mate Jimmy’s house at around four o’clock this afternoon, the 23 year-old drain layer from Christchurch appears to be under the impression that he […]