Women Forced to Apply Makeup to Whole Face As Mask Mandates Lifted

KASSIE MACKAY| National GOODBYE SLEEP-IN Women from around the country are in despair as the lifting of mask mandates has an unexpected detrimental effect on their morning routine. For the last nine months Kiwi women have been getting away with applying only mascara as part of their morning toilette. But since Tuesday, previously unseen parts […]
Aussies Caught Cheating And Have A Big Cry About It

GORDON LIGHTFOOT | Sport “JUST KICK IT MAN!” Bernard Foley has taken the concept of ignoring the referee in order to waste time to a whole new level. In last night’s Bledisloe Cup match that finished up 39-37 to the All Blacks, Foley single-handedly lost his team the game by taking the absolute piss while […]