Woman Asks Office Colleague If She Can Email Her A Document To Print Because She “Can’t Print” At The Moment

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Culture JUST A QUICK FAVOUR Tessa McGregor has not printed a single thing herself since she started in her current role. The 26 year-old who has been an employee at the Ministry for Primary Industries for four months now, still refuses to connect her work computer with one of the printers, instead […]
Spontaneous Tuesday Morning Hangover Sets This Week Up To Be A Ripper

GORDON LIGHTFOOT | Culture THOSE CRAFT BEERS WILL GETCHA Self-hating public servant Travis Watterson has set himself up for an absolute ripper of a week at his Wellington government job. As if he didn’t hate his job enough already, he has now magnified his despair by inflicting a good old fashioned, head-throbbing hangover. Last night […]