Flat White Drinker Looking To Build On Personality By Changing Coffee Order To Something Weird

GORDON LIGHTFOOT | Culture “DO YOU HAVE OAT MILK?” Long time flat white drinker Fernando Collins has taken his identity into his own hands today, by ordering something quite different from his local coffee cart. “I’ll have a macchiato please Hayley. Do you have oat milk back there?” he asked as his usual office crew […]
Lunchtime Gym Bunny Makes Sure That He’s Seen In The Office In Exercise Gear

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Culture CAN’T WAIT TIL AFTER WORK It was hard not to take note of Ian Harding in the office this afternoon. The 34 year-old territory manager had just returned to his corporate office in Wellington in full gym gear after what looked like a strenuous bout of exercise. This was while his […]