HALLOWEEN SCARE: Mall Manager Reports That What’s Frightening Customers The Most Is The October Christmas Decorations

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | National TERRIFYING Gavin Briggs, the manager for the Riccarton Mall in Christchurch, thought he had been outdoing himself in his job. But the 44 year-old has found out that his beloved mall has been inadvertently disturbing shoppers after gathering feedback from the mall’s feedback box. Our reporters caught up with Briggs who […]
Disengaged Public Servant Keeps Pushing Work Drinks Earlier And Earlier Each Friday

GORDON LIGHTFOOT | Culture “SEE YOU AT THE OTHER OFFICE” Corporate level ACC employee Daniel Farnham has once again pushed the envelope in his quest to continue getting to Friday work drinks as early as possible. As of 3.25 pm today, the “community engagement advisor”, who has never set foot anywhere near the frontline, was […]