Local Bloke Once Again Walks Away From Melbourne Cup Wishing He Had A Time Machine

GORDON LIGHTFOOT | Culture BACK TO THE FUTURE After another soul-deadening Melbourne Cup, Hutt Valley mechanic Joel Rolleston has walked away with an empty wallet and the familiar wish that he could bend the laws of time and space. “Farrk I wish I had a time machine ay. You just don’t really know which horses […]
REVEALED: Anti-Whipping Anti-Horseracing Activist Actually Enjoys A Bit Of Whipping Herself

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Culture NUP TO THE CUP, YIP TO THE WHIP Ruby Wareing has come clean today. It’s not that the 28 year-old said she’s onboard with the Melbourne Cup or anything. It is more that while she Tweets to her regular echo chamber about how she is anti whipping and anti-horse racing… she […]