<strong>Grade Cricketer Unforthcoming About How He Actually Went Today</strong>
ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Sport “WENT ALRIGHT AY” Jake Macaskill, 31, could almost land a role as a Hollywood actor following the performance he gave to his mates post-match, at a house party. The third grade cricketer for Eastern Suburbs claimed that he ‘went alright’, when he was questioned how he himself and his team got […]
<strong>“My Dog is My Closest Friend” Claims Woman Whose Pet Clearly Resents Her</strong>
KASSIE MACKAY | Culture “BUT HE LOVES ME” Local pet owner Cushla Walters lovingly refers to her dog Tiddles as her “closest friend.” She and the Cocker Spaniel are together 24/7, have multiple matching patterned onesies, and “can literally see into each other’s souls.” But is this a healthy relationship, or is Tiddles in captivity […]