Gaurav Sharma Hit With Noise Complaint About His “Loud And Uncontrollable Laughter”

GORDON LIGHTFOOT | Politics “SORRY, IT’S JUST SO GOOD” Expelled Labour MP Guarav Sharma is lucky to avoid a fine from Hamilton City Council today after a complaint was made to noise control about his “loud and uncontrollable laughter”. Sharma was in his lounge when noise control officers banged on the door to give him […]
<strong>Annoying Friend Won’t Shut Up About How She’s Already Done Her Christmas Shopping</strong>

ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Culture “WE GET IT, YOU’RE ORGANISED” Kelly Spratt can’t wait to strike up a conversation about Christmas shopping. That’s because the 26 year-old from Christchurch has already completed all of hers and cannot wait to tell that to others who have not done the same. Our reporters were with Spratt as she […]