+Hr=E Announces New Fishing Show With Unconfirmed Female Host

KASSIE MACKAY | Politics IS THE PM MOVING FROM HIVE TO HULL? Just minutes after Jacinda Ardern revealed her plans to step down as PM, national television network, +Hr=E, made its own special announcement. From February 8, the nation’s second-favourite homegrown broadcaster will be hoping to boost viewership with a new fishing show. The catch? […]
Cardiologist Predicts Spike In Blood Pressure In Over 65s During Alternative Cricket Commentary

GORDON LIGHTFOOT | Sport HEALTH WARNING FOR CRICKET FANS A leading cardiologist at the Heart Foundation has issued a warning to anyone thinking about watching this Friday’s T20 Blackclash cricket match, featuring commentary from the Alternative Commentary Collective (the ACC). Dr Jane Joplin has published a paper saying that a significant number of people over […]