Kiwi Woman Battling Cost Of Living Crisis Only Half Joking About Selling Feet Pics Online

23 year old retail worker Hayley Jordan was caught googling the term “FeetFinder” today, after talking to a friend about ways to earn extra money during the cost of living crisis.
“I just wanted to see what the fuss was about, obviously I’m not going to do it,” she said unconvincingly while simultaneously giggling.
This was only days after the Hamiltonian made an off-colour joke about the cost of her grocery bill. Her exact words were “if prices go any higher I might have to sell pictures of my feet to weirdos on the internet”.
Luxon On Cabinet Leaks: “Gee I Feel Rocked. It’s Been So Rocky. I’m Always Getting Rocked By Things”

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was visibly shaken this morning, apparently still recovering from having his world rocked last week.
Media reported that the government had been ‘rocked’ by a second cabinet leak in as many weeks.
“Oh man, my world’s been totally turned upside down by this. Completely shook,” he said this morning.