Quiet Team Admin Mysteriously Experiencing More Attention Than Usual This Casual Friday

office chat between two men and a woman in a warriors jersey



Katie Quinn is the kind of girl who usually blends into the background at her Wellington office.

However today she emerged as the star of the show, proudly adorned in Warriors garb.

“I’m usually pretty quiet in the office but I’ve always loved the Warriors,” Katie said with a grin. “Big game tomorrow so I thought today’s the day to let everyone know it,” giggled the 25-year old, sitting down in her current season Warriors jersey.

The Warriors are set to play the Brisbane Broncos in tomorrow night’s NRL semi-final clash in Brisbane and Katie’s dedication to showing support for the team has turned a few heads in the office.

Sports jock Sam Orr couldn’t help but gawk at Katie’s audacious fashion statement. “It’s like she’s a completely different person. I had no idea she even liked sports! This might mean I can talk to her more often about other things than just regular mundane admin questions”

As the day went on, Katie revelled in her moments of glory.  

“It’s been quite the day so far. I’ve been talking with the other guys about how good Shaun Johnson’s been this year and even voiced my opinion on how I think we’ll actually go. We just have to shut down Reece Walsh!” Quinn lamented, already getting fired up for the big game.

Katie’s enthusiasm for the Warriors was infectious, and throughout the day coworkers found themselves drawn into spirited discussions about rugby league.

As our reporters were about to ask what her plans were to watch the game she was taking a selfie of herself at her desk, ready to upload to Instagram with the caption ‘Up the Wahs!’

More to come. 

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