Rising Cost Of Petrol Certain To Force Dan Carter Out Of Retirement
ROSEMARY ABBOTT | Sport IN THE SAME BOAT! Daniel Carter, considered one of the greatest players in rugby history, is rumoured to be rejoining the workforce as a professional player due the soaring cost of petrol. The Whakataki Times spoke to witnesses who saw the former All Black’s perplexed look as he glanced up at […]
Summer Interns at Wellington Law Firm Thrilled To Report Zero Sexual Harassment
ROSEMARY ABBOTT | National MODERN DAY MIRACLE! Three Victoria University law students have have miraculously made it through their summer internship at Randall-McClay without having to report any sexual misconduct during their three month stay. Ellie Williamson, Genevieve Cook and Ruby Lewis, all 20, were stoked to not have had to put up with a […]